Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Asia Pacific, Sexiest Smartphone Market 2014

In recent years, the growth of the smartphone market is so high and evenly . However , penetration varies in each region .
U.S. and European regions as developed countries that have adopted the first -mentioned smartphones began to enter the saturation phase . Unlike the Asia-Pacific region is predicted to have a higher penetration than the United States and Europe .
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The report titled ` Decoding the Asian Mobile Consumer ` from the Nielsen research shows that countries in the Asia-Pacific region will experience a rapid growth trend of smartphones or can be regarded as the sexiest smartphone market .

The report said , Hong Kong and Singapore have the largest smartphone penetration with 87 % growth . Followed Malaysiadengan 80 % penetration , as well as Australian and Chinese with each penetration of 75 % and 71 % .

While in Southeast Asia , Thailand reportedly has a penetration of 49 %, followed by Indonesia with 23 % , India 18% and about 15 % Filipino .

The research results also reveal some of the factors influencing the penetration of smartphones in the Asia Pacific market in the last year . Among these factors is the recommendation of word of mouth , social media , and features . (see also: situs download film gratis)

In Indonesia alone , smartphone growth started to increase . From the report of the Central Bureau of Statistics , Indonesia is importing the mobile phones more than 15,338 tons worth shopping around U.S. $ 2.6 billion in all of 2013 .


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